Our vision driven mission is to put in place a system that provides an integrated infrastructure and energy systems for the African continent utilizing a regional approach to implementation using the power of the Diaspora.
AAAPI will facilitate a resource for the planning implementation, and execution of economic and social development programs in sub-Saharan the Africa.
AAAPI will prioritize to facilitate the expansion of ongoing activities effectively taking place in Africa, focusing attention on particular need and available resources. Form a coalition forces inside and outside the continent among enthusiastic people that would share common vision of the Industrializing Africa Program (IAP).
Besides England that has one of the oldest histories of rail construction in the world, Africa had the first rail construction about the same time with most European countries even Japan and India. And though today, the continent is still a huge landmass, well suited to railroads, nevertheless, the past over fifty years has suffered neglect in the expansion of the much needed rail transportation.
Comparatively, United States with a low population density has one kilometer for every 43 square kilometers of land whereas Nigeria, carrying over one fifth population of the sub-Saharan Africa records one kilometer of rail to 262 square kilometers of land. The table below reflects the state of railway line in comparison with GDP and national population of the following six sampled countries.
Country | Nigeria | Ghana | South Africa |
Population | 170,000,000 | 26,000,000 | 50 092 278 |
Tot. Rail length | 3,528 | 953 | 22,051 |
GDP | 244 billion $ | 39.2 billion $ | 408.2 billion $ |
This table shows that freight and passenger rail industry in Africa remains under developed and giving a significant economic gap to the supply and demand chain within a cycle and distribution of trade and commerce.
Reports released in Apollo Transportation indicated that “Global demand for passenger and freight rail equipment, infrastructure, and related services in 2007 was $169 billion and is projected to grow to $214 billion by 2016. Western Europe dominates the market, followed by Asia and the Pacific. North America ranks third, due almost entirely to its large freight rail market. Africa seems not to play any reflection in all the statistics” by way of comparison.
It must be noted that the size of effective and efficient rail system controls a mechanism for industrial production and employment population which also is a major economic organ to growing national economic wealth.
The given profiles of the countries sampled in the table above underline the importance and weaknesses in policies that create strong and steady markets for rail and transit driven by substantial and sustained capital investments.
The cost of less than a quarter of a million dollars is projected to cover the cost of a feasibility study of the pilot project. The feasibility study will determine all economic substances that could be factored into building the railway from Dakar in Senegal to Yaoundé in Cameroon.
There are no doubt that many ongoing activities of various organizations that give different aids and funding support to a wide range of road and rail programs in Africa but investments need to go hand-in- hand with policies that lay out clear goals and ensure that urban and intercity lines work together harmoniously to attract the expansion of the required rail service in the region. Individual countries with boarder connections need a more coherent industrial policies to link transportation and manufacturing or agricultural and industrial goals.
This study recommends an experiment that can be used as a test case for the expansion of rail system across the entire African continent that has given strategies to the solution of Africa economic problems which must be taken as top priority by all the states concerned. The program proposed by AAAPI is reserved with a great uniqueness in the motive and veracity of its aspirations to deliver credibly in an outstanding manner and with a purpose that is goal centered for the economic advancement of Africa and to the alleviation of poverty of the African populace through a sustainable rail infrastructure.
Facilitate Africa’s socio-economic advancement among African students, intellectuals and business leaders in the diaspora.in particular reference to Transportation infrastructure. To champion the creation of West African Coastal Railway Network (WACTRAK)
- Publication of “Africa’s voice in the Diaspora” a bulletin and journals that will echo the voice of Africans in the diaspora.
- Give assistance to monitor, evaluate and audit existing capital projects to ensure prudence and accountability in the disbursements of funds and project certifications are justifiably achieved.
- Organizing forums and seminars that will promote Africa’s commerce, trade and industry.
The main goal of the project can be broadly described as follows:
- Use as a test case to create a template for other nations to follow
- Open a gateway for international investment in the western corridor of the continent
- Create a stepping stone for the establishment, expansion and stability of sustainable Power generation and distribution across the continent
- Create job opportunities for millions of African young men and women
- Provide fast means of transportation across the most densely part of West Africa Accra to Yaoundé.
- Induce development in other areas of the economy and improve the lot of African poor men and women
- Boost the advancement of business, trade, commerce and industry on the West coast Africa
- Increase bilateral interaction among member states
- Raise standard of livelihood for the people of Africa.
- Improved agricultural projects and efficient transportation of agricultural produce across the region.
- Transformation of farming and agricultural and enhance preservation of agricultural produce
- Improved revenue generation for the government, boosting the economic wealth of African nations.
- Generate and promote tourism in west corridor
- Create a better live for the future generation of Africans
- Raise general standard of living
- We strongly believe that solutions to Africa’s problems lie in the hands of African people. It is now time for a corporate action.
- God help Africa.