Who We Are
Alliance for Africa Advancement Progress and Integrity Incorporated (AAAPI Inc.) is a non- profit organization based in Madison WI with a branch office in the UK. It was established in 2010 and registered in the year 2010. It was formally created exclusively under Section (501) (C) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding of any future Tax Code.

AAAPI caught the vision for transforming Africa by organizing a combination of a group of Africans in the diaspora and the international community who have the interest of Africa at heart and are willing to commit their gifts, time and talents in promoting sanity in the substandard way and manner of which the wealth of the continent’s abundant resources have been mismanaged and wasted and facilitate to salvage the eroded integrity of the leadership and administration of Africa’s public and private functionaries. This may sound a very ambitious concept but time has come to prove the ingenuity of the great potential that is grossly invested in the Black race.
AAAPI will continually seek membership of African intellectuals in the Diaspora; academicians, outstanding talents, and non-African partners willing to contribute their valuable resources in the execution of the program; one of such is the British African Business Alliance BABA that is currently working in Alliance with AAAPI.